Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Not everyone is in your life forever. Important figures may come in your life, impact you greatly, and then leave you shortly after. Then you are left to cope with their loss, forever. Who can this person be? A father, mother, grandparent, sibling, best friend? Yes, best friend. Not everyone lives a whole life time. How does it feel to lose someone so close to you? One can try and imagine, but you can not truly feel the effect unless it is happening to you. You can think that your world is coming to an end, and then you get angry at it. You will have so many different emotions because of one death, a best friend. It is just not normal and you may wonder to yourself, why not me?
Eight months of pain and torture, not only for the ill being, for everyone. When that dreadful moment comes, there will be tears. 3 am, the phone rings, she's gone. Here goes the world again, but this time it is spinning out of control because it is real. This is real life. She is gone, and its forever.   

I had to write this in creative writing class. We watched a film called "Howl" and had to write about an inspiration we had from it.  In this movie the main character lost many people in his life from his mother to various lovers.  I was inspired by this movie to write about my best friend whom i lost 3 years ago.  I love you Lauren, and while im in Italy I am literally thinking about you every day.  I know you are here. Love you always
Ciao! So, I have been having a lot of trouble with the italian language for the past month while in classes. Last night i was laying in bed thinking and all of a sudden, it began to all make sense.  Weird huh?  Well I finally swallowed my pride and I went to tutoring before class and the man was the sweetest! I was so embarrassed that I could not understand it, but it took it step by step and i finally understand (half of it atleast!) Well now I really hope i can start to really understand it because I would love to go home and know some bits of this language :) ciao for now!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

new hair time! I got highlights and they are really subtle but i think i like them so far. Might go back and get some more though! :)
Pisa! Me, Katie, Camille, and Audra took a spur of the moment day trip here today and there was honestly nothing to do other than see the leaning tower.  It was actually cool and worth it.

I'm so strong..i know

Saturday, February 25, 2012

such a fun night! last night we went to Kikuya and had the most disgusting but strongest beer in the world (or so they say) to say the least, it was a really fun night...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I have the best family in the world, and I literally have to thank them with all I have for sending me on this study abroad trip.  Without them I'd still be driving to Montclair every single day. (bummer) I am so grateful for what they have done for me! Thanks mom and dad :) and i miss my brother and sistaaa too!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I had to put this one up from Rome. The colosseum was breathtaking and incredible. I couldnt believe that it was still standing after all this time. Absolutely worth the whole 6 euro to get in haha :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I went to this Gelato place with my Pairing Food and Wine class, and let me tell is incred. It's all natural with no added flavors or colors.  I def recommend finding this place if you ever get a chance to visit Firenze, Italia. Its located by the Duomo, HINT HINT ;)
This was the first hostel I stayed at with Alex, Ryan, and Steve and two random people. It was actually really fun to stay at one of these. And there's plenty more of hostels to come! Cannot wait until spring break, easter, and springfest! Maybe I should plan more trips?
This was probably the best dinner I made since I have been in Italia.... like Camille likes to say... "pasta on pasta on pasta" :)

see this chick. i miss her dearly. shes my best fran

this is what I meant by "locking our love" its the cutest thing!
Throwing our coins into the Trevi Fountain once again!
Me and Alex making a wish and throwing a coin into the Trevi Fountain in Roma, Italy. What would you wish for? ;)
Happy Valentines Day! Such a beautiful day once again in Firenze. My boyfriend and I locked our love on the Ponte Vecchio and spent the whole day together. It was berry romantical :D We went out to dinner and had a great great night.
VIP at the club full up one night. And I cut my bangs again! loveeee
Venice, Italy is a beautiful place.  I went to Carneval with my roomies (who by the by I LOVE).  Carneval was too much fun! But it was so so so cold. buurrr

Today was my three year anniversary with my boyfriend.  It was a beautiful day and so much fun.  This river is seriously my fav place to sit when its warm and sunny out!
Ciao ciao everyone! This is my first blog so bare with me. I am studying abroad as many of you know and I am living in Italy for four months! This is the best experience I have ever came across. I have to thank my lovely parents for sending me here.  This right here ---> is where I live. Right off of this bridge. It is so amazing here and I cannot wait to see what else Italia has in store for me!

Ciao for now!